One Time, One Place

in the rain collapse ?? which way that we'll go harness the ever last, what a way to test the past truth in times so shallow develop an attitude more time decay lapse in fortify the self cutter inbred and forever more unaware. third world visionary man will pretend faith bleeding eyes conjure pain distant so distant make it go away cold the war past truth all means of destruction an orgy of missile tests mortifying flash huddles around the radio not to console, but to control the lives far beyond levels of toxic waste disgrace intolerant it all has been done built up for a future race a race thats never won falling from the fire meet the makers face distant book in time forever in this place ?hell? views shortens with mad progression decipher whats relative. Legal bureaucrat motions with a tender finger who's poverty, and who will be next man overcame further action left at that? man in a cave further action left him there? two gaping holes, a dripping carnivore, nature's regret, law of things so brutalized an enemy that need not know what a way to end the game
death will make peace a visionary press away repress away repress away repress away repress repress thats all there is. thats. all. there. is.

in a gleam halo of jaded weakness corruption runs harmonious begin by extremes doorway extinction resist REPRESSION IS BASED ON LOVE for a length of time full of elemental powers inbred and not brilliant no fortune could buy this power. forever.

Gods Gift, Maggot

Three Blind Mice
Stairs and Flowers
200 Years Dig It
Burnt With Water